

Artist : Decha Warashoon
Technique : Watercolour on paper
Year : 1990
Size : 74 x 104cm

“After working on print making for over 20 years, I decided to stop. Because it was like I had reached the highest point of my working life. If I was to continue, it would be like copying my own work. So I chose to turn to watercolour. At that time, I had the chance to go bulk-buy watercolour at a very cheap price from a department store that was closing, they were unpopular colours that not many people used.
The contents of my watercolour paintings at the time were mostly abstract and concept lead, I freed my inner emotions that was kept hidden out. During the creative course, I solved problems along the way, I took out some things, resulting in new forms. With my previous print works, where the concept was abstract whilst retaining organic geometric form, my work during this time kept an organic and natural shape more so than geometrical, I used both dripping and dropping method  as well as flickering colours too. I used the colour black to create shape on top of the surface, the weight of the black will be the deciding factor for balance as well as the connector to create a form and balance for the piece. My work during this period had no end goal to become a particular type of art work, I guess it can be considered an experimental series so that it can birth a new path of creating work before becoming my mixed media period.”