

Artist : Panya Vijinthanasarn
Technique : Print, Lithography
Year : 1983
Size : 86 x69 cm

“ This is a lithograph print, made during when I was a new scholarship student in England. During that time, I was trying to forget the traditional Thai style painting that I had been producing because since I was now living in a different environment, I wanted to try and change my work, but still dealing with concepts of life and social struggles same as before. It was more like a change of creative expression method, to one that was more contemporary. I discovered the main difference [between the two styles] to be the emotions behind the expressionist, if we were to look at this piece, we would recognise the abstract, the movements and emotions expressed. In this art piece, there are two animals, similar to creatures found in the “Himapan” jungle but coming from my own imagination, recreated to fit with the contemporary. They are struggling and fighting just like us humans, battling with life for survival. It may be the way society is constructed or the chaotic city life that brings struggle but the bottom part of the creatures, the empty space, full of void, is to represent those who do not want to participate in this void but at the same time very aware of this struggle and fight anyway to rid of it.”