Damrong Wong-Uparaj

“London 1963”

Artist: Damrong Wong-Uparaj
Technique: Painting
Year: 1963
Dimensions: 24 x 32cm

In 1962, newly graduated Damrong Wong-Uparaj left for London to study art at the Slade School of Fine Arts. It would be a period that expanded this earnest artist’s horizon, abandoning natural forms to favour dynamic ones then fully immersing himself in abstract painting and expressionism. He concentrated on formulating his own style with strong expressive brush strokes and synthetic abstract art where he designed and framed the paintings with simple-coloured forms, collage and printing techniques.

After finishing his course at the Slade, Damrong took advantage of being in Europe and travelled to France and Italy to observe art movements where he had two solos shows in Paris and Florence, until 1963 before he headed home. 

The short one year experience had a great impact on him as a young artist, his pivot to exploring abstract painting was a quite a shock for his audience back in Bangkok as both aesthetic and concept were so far removed from his previous style of abstract realism featuring earth tone rural landscapes and architecture that he was known for.

He continued to paint in this style for the next 15 years until about 1976, committed to freeing forms and reinterpretation landscapes.