Panya Vijinthanasarn


Artist : Panya Vijinthanasarn
Technique : Mixed media
Year : 2005
Size : 100 x 120 cm.

“This painting is based on geometric shapes that are derived from letters spelling “Wake up”. I was inspired by the Buddha image at Wat Naphra Meru in Ayutthaya Province. Normally, I prefer drawing faces of the Buddha’s image from Sukhothai period but this work is different. I find it special because the face is looking straight and down to the ground which is why I chose the Buddha’s image of Wat Naphra Meru. I created this work by joining 2 styles; one side is the calm face of the Lord Buddha’s image and the other is a painting depicting Buddha’s sermon regarding the four types of people compared to the four stages of the lotus. The Lord Buddha delivered this sermon after his enlightenment. It is my critique on today’s society, where we are so technologically developed and materialistically fulfilled therefore our emotional and ethical wellbeing should also prosper. And so, I named this painting “Awakening” and I attached a piece of rotten wood on the top left corner of the painting to represent the past and changing times.” ~ Panya Vijinthanasarn