Panya Vijinthanasarn

Sea Float, 2006

Artist : Panya Vijinthanasarn and Andrew Stahl
Technique : Acrylic and oil on canvas
Year : 2006
Size : 100 x 200 cm.

“This is the first piece that I collaborated with an English artist named Mr. Andrew Stahl.  When I was Dean at Silpakorn University, I invited Andrew to create art together. We took turns in creating, I started first and then handed it over to Andrew and then after a while, he turned the painting back to me. We finished this work without any discussions but we actually know each other’s style very well. This painting depicts a journey. For Andrew, an airplane symbolises air travel whereas mine focuses on the Thai way by painting a mermaid symbolising waterway travels. In terms of our signature styles, I always incorporate Lord Buddha’s portrait into my works and Andrew always includes humans making surprised and amazed faces because of his love for travelling and learning new cultures”.

“As this is an acrylic painting, I poured down the acrylics paint to make the appearance of a water stream. Once Andrew saw this, he decided on the theme of the sky. We tried to understand each other’s concept in order to present our own style. Both face portraits are facing the opposite side of the airplane, this is to convey how we both like to integrate traditional culture with new technologies”. – Panya Vijinthanasarn